Share with Us and Win an Awesome Prize!
What is your favorite function/App from your Smartphone and why?

We love our Smartphones, don't we?

For many of us, it's hard to imagine life without a Smartphone. We know that a Smartphone is capable of much more than making calls. It can be transformed into a music player, GPS on Google Maps and variety of Apps in between.
The Smartphone gives us the pleasure of entertainment and productivity, helping us keep track of many aspects of our lives.

We would love to hear about your favorite function from the Smartphone and how it has enhanced your life? Perhaps it is a functionally you would recommend to your friends.

How to participate and win an awesome prize?

It is simple, just fill in your answer in the comment section. The winner will be selected based on the best functionality/apps described and how it may help someone to improve their lives. More enjoyable or/and more productive!

You can also enter to the contest by leaving us your answer on GROM Facebook page in the comment section.

Your name


Your email:


Describe your favorite smartphone functionality, what and why do you love the most:

* required fields

The winner/s will receive:

1st - $45 Amazon Gift Card
2nd - GROM's fantastic combo; a Cap and a T-shirt
3rd - GROM's T-shirt

gift card 45
grom hat
grom tshirt

Contest judging criteria:
1. Uniquines of the functionality/app
2. Usefulness of the app/functionality
To download the contest rules please click here >>>
Contest ends on June 30th, 3PM PST. After that date submissions will not be accepted.